Scholarship Opportunities

Each school in the diocese accepts State scholarships. Not all scholarships are accepted at every school, please speak with the Catholic school directly about the scholarships below.

Family Empowerment Scholarship for Students with Unique Abilities (FES-UA) (Formerly Gardiner or McKay Scholarships) Allows parents of students with unique abilities to personalize the education of their children by directing scholarship dollars toward a Catholic school they choose. This would include any student with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a qualifying documented disability from a licensed physician. Many diagnoses by a physician qualify, including anaphylaxis, autism, intellectual disability, and other health impairment (i.e. ADD, Asthma, and Type 1 Diabetes). On average, this scholarship is $10,000.
For applications for the 2023-24 school year, a family should get on the first-to-know list for the scholarship program by clicking here.

Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options (FES-EO) and the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program REGARDLESS OF INCOME gives parents the ability to choose a school that best meets their children’s needs by providing a scholarship to attend a Catholic school. Eligibility is determined if a student is eligible to attend a K-12 public school in the State of Florida they are eligible for the scholarship. On average, this scholarship is $7,700.
For applications for the 2023-24 school year, a family should get on the first-to-know list for the scholarship program by clicking here.
For more than 150 years, Catholic education in North Florida has continued to emphasize academic rigor, self-discipline, personal responsibility, service to others, and above all, faith in God.
To encourage and support families who choose a Christ-centered education, Bishop Estévez has established the Catholic Student Assistance Fund – available to children in need, who attend any of the thirty Catholic schools in the Diocese of St. Augustine.
Click here to apply.
All distributed all fund collected
Special Announcement from the
Episcopal Moderator of the
Florida Catholic Conference
Bishop Gerald Barbarito, DD, JCL, is the bishop of the Diocese of Palm Beach and the episcopal moderator of Catholic education for the Florida Catholic Conference. In this video, he shares a common message about Catholic education and unique scholarship opportunities in the State of Florida.
Click here for more information from Step Up for Students.